Category Archives: Vaccination

U.S. government statistics reveal that the flu vaccine is the most dangerous vaccine in America

(Natural News) Even the bestselling flu vaccine is only the fifth most popular vaccine in the United States. Prevnar, the vaccine used to prevent infection caused by pneumococcal bacteria; Gardasil, which supposedly prevents cervical cancer; PENTAct-HIB, given to tiny infants to stave off diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, hepatitis B, poliomyelitis, and Haemophilus influenzae type b; and Infanrix/Pediarix, a vaccine indicated for active immunization against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, infection caused by all known subtypes of hepatitis B virus, and poliomyelitis; are all far more popular than the flu vaccine.

Nonetheless, a report released in 2013 by the Department of Justice, shows that more than half of all claims settled by the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, also known as the Vaccine Court, were for injuries caused by the influenza vaccine.

As reported by Health Impact News, during the period covering 16 August to 15 November 2013, 139 claims were settled by the Vaccine Court, 70 of which received compensation. Of these settled claims, 42 – or 60 percent – were for injuries caused by the flu vaccine. The remaining 40 percent were for injuries caused by 11 other vaccines.

The greatest number of injuries by far that were reported as a result of the flu vaccine were for Guillain-Barré Syndrome, or GBS, a condition which the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke describes as follows:

Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) is a disorder in which the body’s immune system attacks part of the peripheral nervous system. The first symptoms of this disorder include varying degrees of weakness or tingling sensations in the legs. In many instances the symmetrical weakness and abnormal sensations spread to the arms and upper body. These symptoms can increase in intensity until certain muscles cannot be used at all and, when severe, the person is almost totally paralyzed. In these cases the disorder is life threatening – potentially interfering with breathing and, at times, with blood pressure or heart rate – and is considered a medical emergency. Such an individual is often put on a ventilator to assist with breathing and is watched closely for problems such as an abnormal heart beat, infections, blood clots, and high or low blood pressure. Most individuals, however, have good recovery from even the most severe cases of Guillain-Barré syndrome, although some continue to have a certain degree of weakness.


CDC Scandal: Committee that Withdrew Recommendation for Nasal Flu Vaccine Now Recommends it to Experiment on American Public

In June of 2016 the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) admitted that the live attenuated nasal influenza vaccine known as “FluMist” was not effective, and was not recommended for the 2016-2017 flu season.
It was also not recommended for the current flu season (2017-2018). The CDC’s own data showed that the nasal vaccine was not effective. The CDC press release in 2016 stated, “This three percent estimate means no protective benefit could be measured.” Shortly after this announcement in 2016, a family in Utah went public with their story, explaining how their 8-year old daughter died from influenza, even though she had been vaccinated with FluMist.
They had trusted the CDC and their flu recommendations, but now they have lost their daughter. Even though the CDC withdrew their recommendation for the failed nasal flu vaccine, FluMist retained its FDA approval and has been available to purchase the past two years. On February 21, 2018, the CDC’s ACIP reversed its decision on FluMist, and voted 12-2 to add FluMist to the CDC’s list of recommended vaccines for the 2018-2019 influenza season. Stat News reports how members of the ACIP expressed concerns about deciding to reverse their decision and recommend it: “
The motion to recommend FluMist passed by a surprising 12-to-2 vote, the outcome of which belies the unease that a number of members of the committee clearly felt about the decision they were making. They faced, in essence, a Catch-22: It has been impossible to generate the type of data that would normally be used to make a decision like this. The only way to see if the problem has been solved is to use the vaccine. But without an ACIP recommendation, the vaccine’s use in the U.S. would remain minimal.”
So the fact is that the effectiveness of FluMist is still not known, but the CDC has no qualms about testing it on the American public to find out.
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New Quality-Control Investigations on Vaccines: Micro and Nanocontamination January 23, 2017, International Journal of Vaccines and Vaccination

Click to access IJVV-04-00072.pdf

Vaccines are … under investigation for the possible side effects they can cause. In order to supply new information, an electron-microscopy investigation method was applied to the study of vaccines, aimed at verifying the presence of solid contaminants by means of an Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope equipped with an X-ray microprobe.

The results of this new investigation show the presence of micro- and nanosized particulate matter composed of inorganic elements in vaccines’ samples which is not declared among the components and whose unduly presence is, for the time being, inexplicable.

A considerable part of those particulate contaminants have already been verified in other matrices and reported in literature as non biodegradable and non biocompatible. The evidence collected is suggestive of some hypotheses correlated to diseases that are mentioned and briefly discussed.

Not all the vaccines analyzed contain the same contamination, though the same vaccine belonging to different batches and, in some cases, coming from different countries can contain a similar contamination Vaccines by Glaxo – Infarix, Typherix and Priorix – contain Tungsten. Tungsten was also identified in [the vaccines] Menjugate Kit by Novartis, and Prevenar, Meningitec by Pfizer and Meningitec by Wyeth. Feligen, the only veterinary vaccine tested, proved to be the only sample free from inorganic contamination.

Note: This important study showed that nanoparticles were found in vaccines that should not be there. The scientists were attacked by the vaccine lobby, which attempted to discredit them. Here is their rebuttal to these attacks on the website of the highly respected BMJ (British Medical Journal). More here. Another informative article reveals that the same scientists who debunked any link between agent orange and veteran illnesses are now in charge of vaccine safety. For more along these lines, see summaries of revealing vaccine controversy news articles from media sources.

And in our foods as well, completely unregulated!



Childhood Cancers Rising Same as Autism – Cancer Now #1 Cause of Death in Children

The incidence of childhood cancers has been steadily rising for several decades, to such an extent that cancers in young people now have their very own day in the limelight: International Childhood Cancer Day (February 15). For American children ages one through 14, cancer is the top disease-related cause of death, second only to accidents among all causes of childhood mortality.
Leukemia and malignancies of the central nervous system are the most common types of childhood cancers. A recent opinion piece in The Hill points out that autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) have increased in lockstep with pediatric cancers. One in thirty-six (2.76%) children aged three-17 had an ASD diagnosis as of 2016, compared to one in 10,000 children in the 1970s.
The parallel rise in the two conditions is not a fluke—environmental toxins are widely known to “initiate or aggravate various neurological disorders [and] carcinomas.” Although the National Cancer Institute (NCI) views environmental causes of childhood cancers as “difficult to identify,” one route of exposure to heavy metals and other toxic substances that begins prenatally and continues through adolescence is sitting in plain sight: the bloated U.S. vaccine schedule.
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Are Many Modern Diseases Linked to the Failed Mass Swine Flu Vaccination in 1976?

Crohn’s. Lupus. Autism. ADHD. Food allergies. Celiac disease. Sjögren’s syndrome. Polymyalgia rheumatica. Multiple sclerosis. Anklyosing spondylitis. Type 1 diabetes. Vasculitis. Peripheral neuropathy.
The list goes on, and on, and on. We are being increasingly diagnosed with these conditions and diseases of unknown origin, and science has very little to say – why would autoimmune diseases and mysterious diseases of inflammation be so prevalent? When did this increase start?
Something changed dramatically in 1976. What changed was national mass vaccination against influenza.
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Former CDC Director that Approved Gardasil Vaccine and Became Head of Merck’s Vaccine Division Named “Woman of the Year”

It has recently been reported that Merck Pharmaceutical Company’s leading lady, Dr. Julie Gerberding, has won yet another impressive title, being named Woman of the Year 2018 by the Healthcare Businesswomen’s Association (HBA).
Some of the achievements obtained by Dr. Gerberding noted by the HBA include: “Her leadership in modernizing the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), executive vice president for strategic communications, global public policy and population health and chief patient officer, of Merck & Co., Inc., as president of Merck Vaccines… help(ing) make the company’s vaccines increasingly more available and affordable to people in emerging markets and some of the most resource-limited countries in the world….”
Since the Gardasil vaccine was approved while Gerberding was head of the CDC, many young girls who have received the Gardasil shots have gone into pre-mature menopause, suffering from Primary Ovarian Failure. These girls will never be able to bear children.
Some would ask the question: Since Gerberding is now in charge of “population health” at Merck and is being recognized as making “vaccines increasingly more available and affordable to people in emerging markets and some of the most resource-limited countries in the world,” was this part of the plan all along with the Gardasil vaccine? Others would ask, since the Gardasil vaccine is one of the most controversial vaccines in the world, with many lawsuits currently being litigated for injuries and deaths outside the U.S., and many countries outside the U.S. no longer recommending the vaccine, would it be more appropriate to name Dr. Julie Gerberding “one of the most evil people in medicine today,” as did the website Medicine News in 2016?
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Science vs. CDC: Is the Flu Vaccine More Dangerous than the Flu?

CDC’s strategy to use fear to ramp up flu vaccine sales ­­­­requires the agency to exaggerate both flu risks and vaccine efficacy. Pharmaceutical companies and public health officials vastly overstate flu cases and deaths in order to market influenza “as a threat of great proportions.” Simple fact-checking shows that since October 2017, only 14.7% of the almost 447,000 “flu” specimens tested by clinical laboratories working with CDC have tested positive for influenza.
This proportion has remained relatively constant for the past two decades. According to the British Medical Journal’s Peter Doshi, “Even the ideal influenza vaccine…can only deal with a small part of the ‘flu’ problem because most ‘flu’ appears to have nothing to do with influenza.” Actual influenza deaths not only rank lower than the major killers such as heart disease and cancer but also are lower down in the mortality rankings than ulcers and hernias. Incredibly, even though most “flu” is not influenza and flu vaccine effectiveness is as low as 10%, public health authorities keep telling everyone from six months of age on up (including pregnant women) that the flu shot is “better than nothing” and the “best tool we have.”
However, there are many unanswered questions about influenza vaccines that warrant rigorous investigation. Recent peer-reviewed studies suggest that the shots may actually make people more susceptible to serious problems (as with the recently recalled dengue vaccine) and that getting flu shots year after year may be lowering subsequent vaccine effectiveness as well as drastically increasing risks for Alzheimer’s disease.
Getting vaccinated against one strain of influenza may increase risks for other severe respiratory viruses. Unfortunately, most members of the public are not reading this alarming science. The public should make health decisions based on sound science, not scare tactics.
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