Unknown History of Western Medicine

The criminal syndicalists are now looting the American nation of one trillion dollars each year, of which about one-third, more than three hundred billion dollars per year, represents the profitable depredations of the Drug Trust and its medical subsidiaries . Before a sustained effort to combat these depredations can be mounted, Americans must make every effort to regain their health. As Ezra Pound demanded in one of his famous radio broadcasts, “Health, dammit”! America became the greatest and most productive nation in the world because we had the healthiest citizens in the world.

When the Rockefeller Syndicate began its takeover of our medical profession in 1910, our citizens went into a sharp decline. Today, we suffer from a host of debilitating ailments, both mental and physical, nearly all of which can be traced directly to the operations of the chemical and drug monopoly and which pose the greatest threat to our continued existence as a nation. Unite now to restore our national health – the result will be the restoration of our national pride, the resumption of our role as the inventors and producers of the modern world, and the custodian of the world’s hopes and dreams of liberty and freedom.
Eustace Mullins, The Rockefeller Syndicate (source)


The History of U.S. Medicine (38 min)


Jim Corbett gives an excellent, critical knowledge expose of how a very few private/corporate interests have controlled our medical industry for almost a century and that Obamacare was written solely and exclusively by Big Med.  When corporations run government, the term is called ‘facism’, pure and simple. They can dress it all up as some ‘care for all’ socialized program but in reality only a soulless, for solely profit driven agenda, to keep people sick and only treat them after they get sick.Rockeller medicine tenacles reach far, wide and deep and ownership is hidden behind shell and holding companies.

There reach is so great that they have even been building and funding hospitals in China since the 1970′s. (In old China, one paid the doctors to keep you well and they were not paid if you got sick but had to treat you to get and get you healthy to get paid again…this is what is called ‘preventative care’.)  1-in-5 children are now diagnosed with childhood diabetes. 1-in-4 now have cases of Alzheimer’s, ADHD, Allergy and/or Ashtma or the 4 ‘A’s” as it is now being called. This is unprecedented in the history of childhood health. (source)

As the old time religion axiom espouses ‘get ‘em by six and you got ‘em for life’. Rockefeller medicine has adapted this same practice with modern medicine derived from oil driven farming, chemical laden pharmaceuticals and take a pill, radiate and cut it out surgeries only taught in medical schools.Where the crapification of our food systems, the massive increase in a very questionable vaccination-nation schedule for our children (see below) and the electronic warfare being waged on our energy fields is affecting our mind, body and spirit, it is all being capitalized on by the very few.

If healthcare were truly about the well being of all, then the doctors stated goal should go well beyond do not harm.  It would be every physicians and dentists and healthcare practitioner’s goal to put themselves out of business and to spend most of their time in being educated and in their healthcare practice in promoting and getting all to practice preventative healthcare.


Rockefeller’s Medicine Men: Medicine and Capitalism in America
Time Reference: 00:35
RATE SHOCK: Obamacare causing 539% increase in health insurance costs for Texans
Time Reference: 01:30
Senator Baucus thanks Liz Fowler for her role in Obamacare
Time Reference: 03:20
Senate Chairman has ties to big insurer
Time Reference: 05:03
E.C. Mullins – The Rockefeller Drug Empire
Time Reference: 08:56
The Last Word on Snake Oil
Time Reference: 12:40
How Rockefeller University Shapes Science Career
Time Reference: 13:45
Rockefeller Foundation played critical role in Chinese medical history
Time Reference: 16:24
The Money Takeover of Medicine
Time Reference: 18:58
E.C. Mullins – Murder by Injection
Time Reference: 27:41
E.C. Mullins on Rockefeller Medicine
Time Reference: 28:25
Episode 241 – The Truth About the Gene Revolution
Time Reference: 34:25
Confronting David Rockefeller – Sunday Update
Time Reference: 36:17
DECLASSIFIED: Population Reduction By Government. Vaccines. Forced Sterilization.
Time Reference: 37:36
Rockefeller’s Double Game in GMO Foods and Depopulation
Time Reference: 38:19
David Rockefeller speaks about population control
Time Reference: 38:54


(and imagine the profits to soar when/if Obmacare forces membership subscription on all)

  • The U.S. ranks second in health care cost per capita ($8,608)
  • Only to be outspent by Switzerland ($9,121) which ranks in the top 10 in healthcare system efficiency)
  •  The U.S. is tops in terms of health care cost relative to GDP, with 17.2 percent of the country’s wealth spent on medical care for every American.

In other words, the world’s richest country spends more of its money on health care while getting less than nearly every other nation in return.


Medical Industry Incurs Record Billions in Fines, Makes Hundreds of Billions in Record Profits
(and no one ever, ever, ever goes to jail or even has to step done for hurting the customers they are supposed to be healing.)

Pharmaceutical companies have racked up over $11 billion in fines over the last three years for many cases of criminal misconduct. Twenty-six pharmaceutical companies around the world, including eight of the ten largest companies, have been charged and fined for various criminal behaviors, including withholding safety data for new drug approval applications and promoting drug uses beyond the conditions they have been approved to treat.

The largest fine of $3 billion was paid by Glaxosmithkline (GSK) in 2012 after they were found guilty of withholding safety data, marketing drugs for unauthorized uses and cheating the US government’s Medicaid system in the largest case of healthcare fraud ever. GSK marketed their antidepressant drug Paxil as being suitable for children under the age of 18 when it was approved for adult use only, distributed a fraudulent medical journal article and convinced doctors to prescribe more of their drugs by lavishing them with gifts such as meals and spa treatments.Other companies have received fines ranging from $420 million to a massive $2.3 billion, but a lawyer at Boston University has pointed out that, although the fines are huge, when compared to the massive profits that these companies are making, they amount to only a small percentage of total revenue.

The fact is that the drug companies consider the fines to be a cost of doing business, and when the fines are paid, the government that allows this criminal behavior to continue benefits by recouping a portion of industry profits.Meanwhile, pharmaceutical associations are trying to work out how to resolve the problems. With so much criminal wrongdoing, the doctors whose role it is to prescribe these companies’ products are now finding that their trust has been broken.

Many physicians report that they are now dismissing industry-funded clinical trials and research. Due to the regular scandals, patients are also realizing that the industry can’t be trusted, contributing, no doubt, to the rise in interest in natural medicines.


The Financial Seeds of Medical Tyranny

Prior to the early twentieth century, thriving empirical medical practices, herbal and homeopathic, were more popular than allopathic medicine, which at that time specialized in surgery. This changed as influential individuals secured a spot on the financial empire.

The Carnegie, Morgan, and Rockefeller financial conglomeration at the turn of the 20th Century was the impetus toward total power over the medical field. Soon after their initial thrusts, it was the Rockefeller Institute that ensured the growth of this monopoly. After all, it was John D. Rockefeller who was quoted as saying, “Competition is a sin.”

Even the newly formed antitrust laws of the early 20th Century could not deter John D. from figuring out how to get around those restrictions with his oil business. One could say Rockefeller was the Godfather of antitrust law chicanery by playing shell games with his industries and retaining his monopoly.

The early centerpiece of his empire was oil. But early on, JD Rockefeller was aware of expanding his financial empire through the burgeoning pharmaceutical industry. His intention was to control the whole medical field, using the only remedies allowed, patented synthetic drugs.

Natural remedies can’t be patented, and patents bring big profits.

So John D. started by donating to medical schools, beginning with the University of Chicago’s School of Medicine. The stipulations were that only pharmaceutical based medicine would be taught. Then he hired Abraham Flexner to tour medical schools of other traditions throughout the nation “evaluating” the treatments they taught.

From that came the 1906 Flexner Report, which was sufficient to persuade lawmakers into creating legislation that would license only physicians trained in patented chemical based pharmacology and surgery.

Meanwhile, John D. Rockefeller recruited JP Morgan and Dale Carnegie as partners for buying a controlling share of the German drug cartel I.G. Farben. The AMA had been in existence since 1847 as an allopathic physician’s union. It came into prominence as a ruling medical non-government agency from 1920 on, with exclusive power over granting and revoking medical licensing.

The AMA would ridicule other non-synthetic drug medical practices as “quackery” and ensure those practitioners were driven out of business. After all, competition is a sin, J.D. Rockefeller once quipped. Ironically, it’s reported that during this time, the Rockefeller family used homeopathy for their medical needs.
The Medical Mafia even managed to get past Senator Benedict Fitzgerald’s scathing congressional committee report in 1953. That’s because the report was conveniently buried in congressional archives until recently retrieved by medical crusader Dr. Stanley Monteith.

That report was originally ordered by Congressman Charles Toby, whose son was cured of terminal cancer by an alternative practitioner. Toby wanted to know why these cancer therapies were not easily accessible to the general public, so he tracked down every institute and publication involved with the cancer industry and carefully reviewed cases of suppressed alternative cancer treatments. He saw the cancer industry’s big picture clearly.

A quote from that report: “Behind this is the weirdest conglomeration of corrupt motives, intrigues, jealousy, selfishness, obstruction, and conspiracy I have ever seen.”

The Rockefeller Foundation’s tentacles began wrapping around top publishers and media moguls several decades ago. And Big Pharma currently spends billions on advertising. As a Bob Dylan line from one of his early songs goes, “Money doesn’t talk, it swears.”


  “To teach the Rockefeller drug ideology, it is necessary to teach that Nature didn’t know what she was doing when she made the human body. But statistics issued by the Children’s Bureau of the Federal Security Agency show that since the all-out drive of the Drug Trust for drugging, vaccinating and serumizing the human system, the health of the American nation has sharply declined, especially among children. Children are now given “shots” for this and “shots” for that, when the only safeguard known to science is a pure bloodstream, which can be obtained only with clean air and wholesome food. Meaning by natural and inexpensive means. Just what the Drug Trust most objects to”

Murder by Injection: The Story of the Medical Conspiracy Against America

In medicine, the Rockefeller influence remains entrenched in its Medical Monopoly. We have mentioned its control of the cancer industry through the Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. We have listed the directors of the major drug firms, each with its director from Chase Manhattan Bank, the Standard Oil Company or other Rockefeller firms. The American College of Surgeons maintains a monopolistic control of hospitals through the powerful Hospital Survey Committee, with members Winthrop Aldrich and David McAlpine Pyle representing the Rockefeller control.

A medical fraternity known as the “rich man’s club,” the New York Academy of Medicine, was offered grants for a new building by the Rockefeller Foundation and the Carnegie Foundation, its subsidiary group. This “seed money” was then used to finance a public campaign which brought in funds to erect a new building. For Director of the new facility, the Rockefellers chose Dr. Lindsly Williams, son-in-law of the managing partner of Kidder, Peabody, a firm strongly affiliated with the J.P. Morgan interests (the J.P. Morgan Company had originally been called the Peabody Company).

Williams was married to Grace Kidder Ford. Although Dr. Williams was widely known to be an incompetent physician, his family connections were impeccable. He became a factor in Franklin D. Roosevelt’s election campaign when he publicly certified that Roosevelt, a cripple in a wheelchair who suffered from a number of oppressive ailments, was both physically and mentally fit to be the President of United States. Dr. Williams’ opinion, published in an article in the widely circulated Collier’s Magazine, allayed public doubts about Roosevelt’s condition. As a result, Williams was to be offered a newly created post in Roosevelt’s cabinet, Secretary of Health. However, it was another thirty years before Health became a cabinet post, due to the politicking of Oscar Ewing.

The Rockefellers had greatly extended their business interests in the impoverished Southern states by establishing the Rockefeller Sanitary Commission. It was headed by Dr. Wickliffe Rose, a longtime Rockefeller henchman whose name appears on the original charter of the Rockefeller Foundation. Despite its philanthropic goals, the Rockefeller Sanitary Commission required financial contributions from each of the eleven Southern states in which it operated, resulting in the creation of State Departments of Health in those states and opening up important new spheres of influence for their Drug Trust. In Tennessee, the Rockefeller representative was a Dr. Olin West, who moved on to Chicago to become the power behind the scenes at the American Medical Association for forty years, as secretary and general manager.


The Rockefeller Agenda ~ Population Control Test Lab ~ Puerto Rico

(This excerpt from the must read book ‘Seeds of Destruction’ by Wm. Engdahl)


John D. Rockefeller III made Puerto Rico into a huge laboratory to test his ideas on mass population control beginning in the 1950′s. By 1965, an estimated 35% of Puerto Rico’s women of child-bearing age had been permanently sterilized, according to a study made that year by the island’s Public Health Department. The Rockefeller’s Population Council, and the US Government Department of Health Education and Welfare–where brother Nelson was Undersecretary–packaged the sterilization campaign. They used the spurious argument that it would protect women’s health and stabilize incomes if there were fewer mouths to feed.

Poor Puerto Rican women were encouraged to give birth in sanitary new US-built hospitals where doctors were under orders to sterilize mothers who had given birth to two children by tying their tubes, usually without the mothers’ consent. By 1965, Puerto Rico was a world leader in at least one category. It had the highest percentage of sterilized women in the world.

For most Americans and for most of the world, the idea that the leading policy circles of the United States Government, acting on the behest of some of its wealthiest families and most influential universities, would deliberately promote the mass covert sterilization of entire population groups was too far-fetched to accept.

Few realized that individuals with names such as Rockefeller, Harriman, banker J.P. Morgan Jr., Mary Duke Biddle of the tobacco family, Cleveland Dodge, John Harvey Kellogg from the breakfast cereal fortune, Clarence Gamble of Proctor & Gamble, were quietly funding eugenics as members of the American Eugenics Society. They had also been financing experiments in forced sterilization of “inferior people” and various forms of population control as early as World War I. Their counterparts in the English Eugenics Society at the time included the British Chancellor of the Exchequer, Winston Churchill, economist John Maynard Keynes, Arthur Lord Balfour and Julian Huxley.

Population and related food policies of the US Government of the early 1970′s emanated from the halls of the Rockefeller Foundation, from their Population Council and the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, and from a handful of similarly well-endowed private foundations, such as the Ford Foundation and the Carnegie Foundation. The true history of those organizations was carefully buried behind a facade of philanthropy. In reality, these tax-exempt foundations served as vehicles for the advancement and domination of powerful elite families at the expense of the welfare of most American citizens and of most of mankind.


Bill Mckibben aka…Mr. Green Jeans owned by Rockefeller

‘The best way to control opposition is to lead it ourselves’  Vladamir Lenin

Sidebar:  Rockefeller Funded Controlled Opposition: The Green Movement aka Greenwashing

(this is why we can not trust any int’l or national org. to be the change.  The Tea Party got taken over by the mega-wealthy Koch Bros., the corporations own the all major media and put into office who they wish.  Bottom line, if you see it go mainstream, its owned by the powers that be. This is why, for now, any meaningful change will come from local, grass roots, tribal efforts.)

Nothing influences President Barack Obama’s decision on the Keystone XL pipeline quite like the protests against it, led by Bill McKibben, an American environmentalist, and his organization, called 350.org. On Wednesday, 350.org and the Sierra Club participated in an anti-Keystone protest at the White House and this Sunday they are holding another one on Capital Hill.  350.org has the look and feel of an amateur, grassroots operation, but in reality, it is a multi-million dollar campaign run by staff earning six-digit salaries.

More than half of the US$10-million came from the Rockefeller Brothers Fund (RBF), the Rockefeller Family Fund and the Schumann Center for Media and Democracy, where McKibben, a trustee, was paid US$25,000 per year (2001-09). Since 2007, the Rockefellers have paid US$4-million towards 1Sky and 350.org, tax returns say. The Schumann Center provided US$1.5-million to McKibben’s three campaigns as well as US$2.7-million to fund the Environmental Journalism Program at Middlebury College, in Vermont, where McKibben is on staff. The founders of the Schumann Center were John J. Schumann Jr. and Florence Ford, a former president of General Motors Acceptance Corp. and the daughter of one of the founders of IBM, respectively.Back in 2007, the 1Sky Education Fund had starting revenues of US$1.6-million. Of that, US$1.3-million was from the Rockefeller Family Fund. In 2008, 1Sky received a further US$920,000 from the Rockefeller Brothers Fund as well as US$900,000 from the Schumann Center, tax returns show. What this means is that from the get-go, McKibben’s campaign was bankrolled by the Rockefellers and the Schuman Center.Bill McKibben has been a director of 1Sky since it began, so one would think that he was aware of the organization’s finances. And yet, to hear McKibben tell the story, he started the climate movement and the protests against Keystone XL with nothing more than a few students and “almost no money.”In a 2010 article by McKibben, posted on at least 10 websites, he writes, “Last year, with almost no money, our scruffy little outfit, 350.org, managed to organize what Foreign Policy called the ‘largest ever co-ordinated global rally of any kind’ on any issue.” In another article that McKibben penned for Tikkun magazine, he says that he built the climate movement with seven graduate students at Middlebury College and “no money or organization.” During the fall of 2012, in interviews with Jed Lipinski and Grand Valley University, McKibben again told the story of starting 350.org with seven students and “almost no money.” But that’s not what tax returns indicate.

1Sky began in 2008. In its first year, 1Sky reported expenditures of US$2.6-million, tax returns show. Of that, US$2.2-million was payroll, including US$1.2-million for consultants. In 2009, 1Sky’s campaign director, Gillian Caldwell, a lawyer by training, was paid US$203,620 through the Rockefeller Family Fund. A salary of more than US$200,000 is hardly typical of a “scruffy little outfit.”



Why Are We Losing the War on Cancer?  Despite over $ 2.7 TRILLION spent on research and treatment, 14,800,000 Americans have died from cancer since 1971.

In 2009 alone, 565,000 – or 1,458 people every day – lost their lives to the cancer.  And in the next 3 years.  And in the next 3 years, more individuals will die from cancer than ALL the U.S. soldier deaths from EVERY war since the American Revolution. What’s going on?

….and why does all the ‘Cure for Cancer’s’ that have received hundreds of billions of dollars over decades and still not found a cure or even reduced the amount of cancer in our lifetimes???  And why does the GDP of our country go up (and the profits therein) the more that people in this country get ill and sickly?  Watch Cut, Poison, Burn to see why the industry is set up to make money at the cost of all our health and well being. (source)

And when we find alternative cures like medical marijuana, cancer curing mushrooms, raw food diets, Gerson Therapies, etc. why does the conventional medical system refuse to spend any money researching the many scientifically documented cases where homeopathic medicine has proven to heal?Facts are that medical marijuana is curing many serious diseases, including advanced brain cancer with peer reviewed scientific evidence to support it (source).  And even pets are being healed from serious and painful cancers using this amazing weed…that is NOT a drug, it’s a naturally growing WEED (source).  Yet those playing God with our lives refuse to investigate the many, many ways that alternative medicines heal and preventative practices like acupuncture, yoga, etc. keep us from getting sick and instead prescribe drugs, radiation and surgery as the only methods available because that is what is promoted and that is what they were taught in Big Med Schools owned by Rockefeller corps.


The infographic below is based on a recent Bloomberg ranking of the most efficient countries for health care, and highlights enormous gap between the soaring cost of treatment in the U.S. and its quality and effectiveness. To paraphrase Ricky Ricardo, the American health care system has a lot of ‘splainin’ to do.

It’s remarkable how low America places in health care efficiency: among the 48 countries included in the Bloomberg study, the U.S. ranks 46th, outpacing just Serbia and Brazil.

Once that sinks in, try this one on for size: the U.S. ranks worse than China, Algeria, and Iran.

But the sheer numbers are really what’s humbling about this list: the U.S. ranks second in health care cost per capita ($8,608), only to be outspent by Switzerland ($9,121) — which, for the record, boasts a top-10 health care system in terms of efficiency.

Furthermore, the U.S. is tops in terms of health care cost relative to GDP, with 17.2 percent of the country’s wealth spent on medical care for every American. In other words, the world’s richest country spends more of its money on health care while getting less than almost every other nation in return.



The medico-drug cartel was summed up by J.W Hodge, M.D., of Niagara Falls, N.Y., in these words:

“The medical monopoly or medical trust, euphemistically called the American Medical Association, is not merely the meanest monopoly ever organized, but the most arrogant, dangerous and despotic organisation which ever managed a free people in this or any other age. Any and all methods of healing the sick by means of safe, simple and natural remedies are sure to be assailed and denounced by the arrogant leaders of the AMA doctors’ trust as fakes, frauds and humbugs.

Every practitioner of the healing art who does not ally himself with the medical trust is denounced as a ‘dangerous quack’ and impostor by the predatory trust doctors. Every sanitarian who attempts to restore the sick to a state of health by natural means without resort to the knife or poisonous drugs, disease imparting serums, deadly toxins or vaccines, is at once pounced upon by these medical tyrants and fanatics, bitterly denounced, vilified and persecuted to the fullest extent.”

The Lincoln Chiropractic College in Indianapolis requires 4,496 hours, the Palmer Institute Chiropractic in Davenport a minimum of 4,000 60-minute classroom hours, the University of Natural Healing Arts in Denver five years of 1,000 hours each to qualify for a degree. The National College of Naprapathy in Chicago requires 4,326 classroom hours for graduation.

Yet the medico-drug cartel spreads the propaganda that the practitioners of these three “heretic” sciences are poorly trained or not trained at all —. the real reason being that they cure their patients without the use of drugs. In 1958, one of those “ill-trained” doctors, Nicholas P. Grimaldi, who had just graduated from the Lincoln Chiropractic College, took the basic science examination of the Connecticut State Board along with 63 medics and osteopaths. He made the highest mark (91.6) ever made by a doctor taking the Connecticut State Board examination.


Royal Rife: Cancer Cure Genius Silenced by Medical Mafia

What if someone invented an electronic device that would destroy pathogens, bacteria, and even viruses with no toxic side effects? What if that same device could wipe out cancer by altering the cancer’s cellular environment or by killing cancer viruses with an electronic or ultra sonic beam? That was accomplished years ago. The researcher who invented and perfected this device had an odd name, Royal Raymond Rife. But his associates and colleagues knew him as Roy Rife.

The original Rife machine, based on a naval radio frequency oscillator, evolved to the Rife Ray Tube. It is the basis of Rife technology that underwent successful trials and experiments as it was developed in the 1930′s. You’d think that further research into Rife’s findings would have been supported and propagated further for the welfare of all. And at first it was. But guess what, Rife’s technology was suppressed by the medical mafia, and very little has come of it. Nothing new here.

How It Works (Basically)

Have you ever seen or heard of singers who could shatter wine glasses by hitting and sustaining the right note? How about striking a tuning fork held next to another of the same pitch that is not struck, but vibrates and makes a tone anyway? These are visible examples of vibrational reciprocity in the sonic range. From this basic understanding, Rife developed what he called resonance therapy.

Imagine if minuscule pathogens had energy frequencies beyond the sonic range that, if induced, would cause the pathogen to implode or explode. This Rife called the Mortal Oscillatory Resonance or MOR. It is technology within the arena of energetic healing, but more in the western mode of challenging pathogens with technological machinery from outside. With a special microscope of his own making, Rife was able to observe and record the MOR of many pathogens.

Instead of dealing with the vibrational field of the patient, or the patient’s chi energy, Rife used high frequency energies created by electronic machinery to alter both pathogens and their environments. The difference between Rife’s Ray Beam and common radiation therapy was that only those specific MOR frequencies of targeted microorganisms had negative responses. All other cells were left unharmed. This is the essence of Rife’s technology.


19 Statistics About The Drugging Of America That Are Almost Too Crazy To Believe

The American people are the most drugged people in the history of the planet. Illegal drugs get most of the headlines, but the truth is that the number of Americans that are addicted to legal drugs is far greater than the number of Americans that are addicted to illegal drugs. As you will see below, close to 70 percent of all Americans are currently on at least one prescription drug. In addition, there are 60 million Americans that “abuse alcohol” and 22 million Americans that use illegal drugs. What that means is that almost everyone that you meet is going to be on something.

That sounds absolutely crazy but it is true. We are literally being drugged out of our minds. In fact, as you will read about below, there are 70 million Americans that are taking “mind-altering drugs” right now. If it seems like most people cannot think clearly these days, it is because they can’t. We love our legal drugs and it is getting worse with each passing year. And considering the fact that big corporations are making tens of billions of dollars peddling their drugs to the rest of us, don’t expect things to change any time soon.  The following are 19 statistics about the drugging of America that are almost too crazy to believe…   Read more »




Even if you have U.S. ‘Healthcare’ you Still Go Broke, Obamdoesn’tcare will only make it worse
Bankruptcies resulting from unpaid medical bills will affect nearly 2 million people this year—making health care the No. 1 cause of such filings, and outpacing bankruptcies due to credit-card bills or unpaid mortgages, according to new data. And even having health insurance doesn’t buffer consumers against financial hardship.


The New Rockefeller of our Times.  William Gates and his Global Flu Vaccination Campaign 

Gates Foundation = Global Vaccination Agenda = Population Control

… In 2010… the billionaire Bill Gates… one of the leading advocates of eugenics as a means of reducing the global population, told a conference… that “if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we (could reduce the global population of 6.8 billion people) by perhaps 10 to 15 percent.”

… A few months before that… Gates announced that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation would give $10 billion over the next ten years to develop and deliver new vaccines to children in the developing world….

… [L]ast year in India, at least 47,500 children were reported to have been permanently paralyzed after having been injected with anti-polio vaccines. The Gates Foundation and the World Health Organization, who, together with the vaccine industry, are partners in the Global Alliance for Vaccinations and Immunization, dismissed these cases as pure coincidences. But not the family life workers.

In the mid-90s more than 3.4 million Filipino women were injected with tetanus vaccines… found to contain human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG)… which, when introduced into the body coupled with a tetanus toxoid carrier, produces anti-bodies that render a woman incapable of maintaining [her] pregnancy. The vaccine was supposed to be against tetanus, which afflicts both men and women, but only women were vaccinated, and only women between age 15 and 45.

It was clearly an anti-fertility measure — an instrument of population control.

Now we are hearing more.

UN Begins Mass Vaccinations After Typhoon in Phillipines
WHO Vaccinators Shot for Trying to Force Gates Foundations funded Innoculations on Pakistinians


If you follow the CDC’s recommended vaccination schedule, your child will receive 49 doses of 14 vaccines by the time he/she is 6 years of age.  And by the age of 18, the CDC recommends that children should have gotten 69 doses of 16 vaccines.
Unvaccinated Children Are Healthier

(Building up children’s immune systems through good nutrition, exercise and being in Nature are never brought up as sound practices rather than to get vaccinated. Why?  There is no money to be made.)

Andreas Bachmair is a German homeopath who lives in Switzerland. Because he saw more and more vaccine damaged patients in his practice he started the website impfschaden.info to inform people about the dangers of vaccinations. The website was translated into English under the name of vaccineinjury.info.
He authored the book Vaccine Free – 111 stories of unvaccinated children. Andreas conducted a thorough and comprehensive scientific survey on the state of health of unvaccinated children. More than 17,500 participants from all over the world participated. In this program, we discuss the results of the survey and how it was conducted.

See Related:



Several epidemiological surveys show vaccinated children suffer from poorer chronic health more then unvaccinated kids, but it means little to vaccine pushers and advocates. Well, here is another study which shows how over-stimulating the immune system (through vaccines) inevitably leads to autoimmune diseases.


Vaccine Fraud exposed in increase in measles and mumps

A Mom’s View of Whether to Vaccinate or Not

6 Parallels Between GMO’s and Vaccinations

Studies Proves Vaccines Behind Increase in Whooping Cough Outbreak

(How incredibly sick is it that Big Med has gotten schools to be the cops to make sure every kid gets innoculated while Vaccine makers enjoy a record annualized 35% ROI with complete immunity from prosecution or liability for their product making people sick? (source)

Vaccines are causing whooping cough outbreaks!!!




INSANITY! Mercury Added Back to Vaccinations with FDA Approval

Although the FDA gave a two year deadline to remove thimerosal from vaccines after the deadly neurotoxin was banned in 1999, they continue to appear in vaccine formulations to this day. The FDA now supports thimerosal in up to 60 percent of flu vaccines, many which are approved for children for the 2013/2014 flu season.

The public is still so propagandized by mainstream medicine and the media, that they are blind to the facts relating to the FDA’s reversal on their decision of allowing thimerosal into vaccines. Factually, Thimerosal is a mercury-containing compound that is a known human carcinogen, mutagen, teratogen and immune-system disruptor at levels below 1 part-per-million, and a compound to which some humans can have an anaphylactic shock reaction. It is also a recognized reproductive and fetal toxin with no established toxicologically safe level of exposure for humans.


Vacination Nation + Mass Fear = Flu Inc. =  Massive Profits

(2005 ~ SARS Epidemic.  2006  Bird Flu Epdemic.  2008 Swine Flu.  2009 H1N1 Epidemic (where Obama stated 100,000 Americans would die and in fact more died of the common cold), 2010 HPV Virus, 2011 Whooping Cough…see a pattern? All these ‘epidemics’ allowed Big Med to get complete immunity from prosecution for bad vaccines while every drug store (war on drugs?) and even Safeway gives you free flu shots and discounts of food if you get shot up.)

In a matter of a few years, flu shots have gone from being a marginal, money-losing business to a massive profit generator for a small number of global companies, as governments and the public hasten to protect themselves from getting sick. Between 2004 and 2007, vaccine sales across the industry soared an average of 32 per cent each year, with flu vaccine leading the way. That is roughly four times faster than any other pharmaceutical product.

This is the story of how that happened – how Flu Inc. grew out of nowhere, transforming a once struggling business characterized by lab closures and lawsuits into a high-profit industry in less than a decade, and of the steps the pharmaceutical industry has taken to ensure the dollars keep flowing.The change is driven by a new way of thinking in government about how to approach future threats of a flu pandemic. Health officials have begun to see merit in pursuing a strategy of stockpiling vaccines, even at a much higher cost per dose than they paid in the past…

. Once a country bought a large supply of adjuvant, it was locked in as a buyer for Glaxo’s antigen for years to come. Countries were not just vaccine buyers now; they were subscribers, coming back annually to the company for more and different types of shots… In the past 12 months, the number of countries using such stockpiling methods has grown to 60 from less than 10. (See discussion of how the UK is negotiating with GSK to cancel H1N1 shots and in exchange stockpile GSK’s adjuvant, here.)

… Soaring vaccine sales are also pushing companies to chase profit in other types of shots. The race is now on to develop blockbuster vaccines, defined as those that bring in more than $1-billion annually. Two recently developed vaccines – Prevnar for pneumonia and Gardasil for cervical cancer – have become blockbusters, selling close to $2-billion a year…. It’s a new marketplace.


The Post Antibiotic Future

Antibiotics are becoming dangerously impotent, resulting in two million infections and 23,000 deaths each year, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). But what happens when we lose these drugs altogether? Reporter Maryn McKenna explores the dramatic implications of that question for the Food & Environment Reporting Network (FERN) in its first collaboration with Medium.com in a piece out today called “Imagining the Post-antibiotics Future.” –

McKenna also explores the livestock industry, which currently accounts for 80 percent of all antibiotic use. “A growing body of scientific research links antibiotic use in animals to the emergence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria: in the animals’ own guts, in the manure that farmers use on crops or store on their land, and in human illnesses as well,” reports McKenna. “Resistant bacteria move from animals to humans in groundwater and dust, on flies, and in the meat those animals get turned into.”

A 2011 FDA report published last February found that 65 percent of chicken breasts and 44 percent of ground beef carried bacteria resistant to tetracycline, and 11 percent of pork chops carried bacteria resistant to five classes of drugs.

Superbugs could make Anti-Biotics Ineffective in the Near Future


 ”When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project,

all your thoughts break their bonds; your mind transcends limitations, your

consciousness expands in every direction, and you find yourself in a new,

great and wonderful world. Dormant forces, faculties and talents become alive,

and you discover yourself to be a greater person by far than you ever

dreamed yourself to be.”

– Patanjali (c. 1st to 3rd century BC)

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