Parents Speak Out; Vaccines and Autism #hearthiswell

On 8/27/14, CDC Scientist Bill Thompson issued a statement addressing his regret that he and his co-authors omitted “statistically significant information” in a 2004 study on the MMR vaccine causing autism.

CNN reporter Deborah Goldschmidt then published an article which embedded a CNN video where health correspondent Elizabeth Cohen states that within all of the dangerous side-effects of vaccines, autism is not listed. She then rephrased saying, “Some people don’t hear this well: vaccines do not cause autism.”

Outraged that CNN would choose to embed such a statement within Dr. Thompson’s confession that he and his co-authors had omitted evidence that African American males were at increased risk for autism from journal publication, autism parents across the country and across the globe responded to a call from the Autism Media Channel. These parents addressed the CNN correspondent directly, informing her that in their own families, vaccines had, in fact, caused autism.



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